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Woodstock (15)

Saturday 24 Aug 202412:00am Book Now (Sun) (Closed)
Part of the series, MOTHER CUTTERS.

In 1969, 500,000 people descended on a small patch of field in a little-known town in upstate New York called Woodstock. In this documentary, the iconic event is chronicled in unflinching detail, from the event's inception all the way through to the unexpected air-delivery of food and medical supplies by the National Guard. The film contains performances, interviews with the artists and candid footage of the fans in a defining portrait of 1960s America.

Thelma Schoonmaker was the supervising editor on this sprawling documentary. The challenges in assembling hundreds of hours of footage was not lost on Schoonmaker, whose extraordinary work was noted by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with her first Oscar nomination.